What is WarXing in Cyber Security? What are the Benefits?
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You might have heard about WarXing; here you will get detailed information about that. WarXing is always searching for Wi-Fi networks because in this hyper-connected world users need to need a stable internet connection. We also need an internet connection to our mobile, tablets, computers to fulfill their functions.
We also need to keep in touch with our friends and that also possible through the internet. Our family, co-workers everyone is connected online, and we even receive our education online.
Here you will get some variations of WarXing:
- Warchalking: The name itself a practice which is the reference of a common method of warXing.
- Community: Here they breadth regarding Wi-Fi arrangement and the sidewalk with a piece of chalk.
- Warcycling: Users can search Wi-Fi networks by doing the cycling.
- War dialing: In this practise, include phone numbers so that the user can find the modems.
- Wardriving: In this process, you can seek Wi-Fi networks in the car.
- Warflying: In this, by using an aircraft or drone, the PDA user needs to complete his work.
Why do People need to warXing?
People need this warXing for various reasons. For example, a user can opt for warXing to piggyback. In this, it looks very innocent and non-threatening.
You also need to consider the possibility so that the individual can be overburden to your network, and it can be heavily downloading the activity where internet connection becomes illegal. In the future, you might be getting yourself in an unwanted situation and explain who is responsible for this illegal activity.
There is another motivation for warXing, which can be infiltrating your system. You can steal the information where you can lock out yourself in your network. However, wardrivers drive around the neighborhood so that they can find the open Wi-Fi network and they can effortlessly hack everything.
If any organization uses unknown Wi-Fi then, that organization is under threat. Wardrivers target the consumer so that they can crack through WER’s encryption easily.
If you want to keep safe to your organisation and enhance the cybersecurity posture then you need to keep a look of SIEM and SOAR applications.
What all threats can come if you do not use WarXing in Cyber Security?
- Adware: This is one of the forms of computer virus which fills the computer with more advertisement. It is very common for cyber-attack. Adware allows viruses to enter inside the computer if you accidentally click on them.
- Ransomware: This is one type of malicious software which mainly designed to access until some limit. If you want you can opt for the paid version.
- Spyware: This is one type of WarXing cyber infection that is mainly designed to spy on your computer action and relay on that information you can get the cyber-criminal.
The best WarXing in Cyber Security can easily prevent this type of virus and ensure that your data stays private and confidential inside the workplace.
Benefits of WarXing in Cyber Security:
There are several benefits which are discussing below:
- Protection for your business: WarXing provides digital protection to your business, and will make sure that your employees are not at risk. They must be saved from potential threats like Ransomware and Adware.
- Increase productivity: Please note that viruses slow down the computers while crawling that time you need to do the work practically. Powerful WarXing eliminates all negativity and maximizes your business potential.
- Inspires customer confidence: If you prove your business is protected against all types of viruses, you can gain the trust of your customer and your data will not compromise.
- Protection for your customers: You need to ensure your business is secure from WarXing, and it will help your customer to do the subscription for WarXing.
- Stops your website from going down: When you have your own website you must be potentially cyber breach which can be disastrous. When you are in the system and it becomes infected that time, your website can be forced to close where you will lose money and there are chances that you will lose the transaction.
Final thoughts
However, your business must be secure physically and virtually. It is perfect to have control over your business and employees. As an owner, you also need to get connected with them via WI-FI connection. You can also do the broadcasting to the world that your business is ‘open for business’. WarXing is very good and convenient as well as suited for all types of business.
Resource : https://cybersecuritynews.com/warxing/